204 Results
Shiny double bedroom in Erzsébetváros
400 € / month
1071 Budapest, Damjanich utca 32., Hungary
3 rooms
Superb double bedroom in District VII
Stupendous double bedroom in Erzsébetváros
450 € / month
26sqm renovated Studio is available for RENT in 7 district at Rottenbiller 5. The apartment is located in 3th floor and it is furnished. It faces YARD.
470 € / month
1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller utca ., Hungary
1 room
Inviting double bedroom in District VII
495 € / month
Kínai Gyors Büfé, 1071 Budapest, Dembinszky utca 13., Hungary
5 rooms
Welcoming double bedroom near the Budapest-Keleti train station
Welcoming single bedroom close to the Városliget Park
1078 Budapest, Marek József utca 38., Hungary
Bright single bedroom in central Budapest, close to Városliget park
Bright double bedroom in District VII
Beautiful double bedroom near the Budapest-Keleti train station
Cozy single bedroom in shared flat in the District VII area
Nice single bedroom in well-connected District VII area
Neat and cosy single bedroom in District VII
Fiumei út
570 € / month
1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller utca 5a., Hungary
Huszár utca
1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 100., Hungary
Marek József street -room-
595 € / month
1078 Budapest, Hernád utca 56/b., Hungary
Garay Gardens 3
600 € / month
Péterfy Sándor Utcai Kórház, 1076 Budapest, Péterfy Sándor utca ., Hungary
Quiet Downtown Apartment: Near Keleti Railway Station
650 € / month
METU Rózsa utcai épület, 1077 Budapest, Rózsa utca 4., Hungary
Coolpads flat - Almássy square, Budapest
656 € / month
1077 Budapest, Almássy utca 3., Hungary
Marek József utca
700 € / month
1071 Budapest, Peterdy utca 36., Hungary
Apartment for sale in István street
1071 Budapest, Peterdy utca 37., Hungary
2 rooms