
1 room house of 100 m² in Tata

2890 Tata, Erzsébet királyné tér 6., Hungary

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Last active: 17 days ago

House for rent, Tata

Translated text A bourgeois-style apartment with its own garden and terrace for rent in the center of TATA! The aristocratic style is a kind of feeling of life, the embodiment of solid, eternal elegance and permanence. High ceilings, large windows, and spacious, open spaces are the basic conditions for the style features to prevail. The elegance of the high ceilings is the epitome of downtown apartments! You can enjoy this too if you choose this part of the house as your temporary home, which is located in the center of Tata, in the immediate vicinity of the famous Angolpark, and in the vicinity of Lake Cseke and Lake Öreg. The 100 m2 part of the house is located in the common yard of a 4-apartment monument type apartment building, with approx. 200 m2 private garden area and a 25 m2 terrace. The apartment has 3 rooms, a huge dining room, lounge, which can also be used as an extra room, kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet and pantry. One of the rooms has a direct connection to the terrace and garden, thereby enhancing comfort and luxury. The spaces are airy and easy to use. Despite the dimensions typical of high-class apartments, in addition to the classic interior, this is a property with a more modern interior design, renovated in 2020, in which, in addition to the renovation of the windows and interior doors, all areas received completely new coverings and furniture. It is heated by a gas boiler with radiator heat output. This is a simple and carefully put together apartment interior, which is not very impressive, but still unique. The property provides adequate comfort for larger families and companies alike. The apartment is fully furnished, mechanized and equipped for rent for at least 1 year for individuals and companies. A 2-month deposit is required for renting + 1 month paid in advance. Rent: br. HUF /month + utilities. The property can only be viewed by prior arrangement. Interested: Telek Bernadett Bourgeois style apartment with private garden and terrace for rent in the center of TATA! The bourgeois style is the epitome of a sense of life, of solid, eternal elegance, of permanence. High ceilings, large windows, spacious, openable spaces are the basic conditions for style. The elegance of high ceilings is a prime example of downtown apartments! You can also enjoy this if you choose this house location as your temporary home, which is in the entire center of Tata, in the immediate vicinity of the so-famous English Park, and close to Lake Cseke and Lake Tallego. The 100 m2 part of the house is located in the common yard of a 4-apartment listed building, with approx. 200 m2 of private garden and 25 m2 of terrace. The apartment has 3 rooms, a huge dining room, lounge, which would be a plus room too, kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet and pantry. One of the rooms has a direct terrace and access to the garden, thus enhancing comfort and luxury. The spaces are airy and usable. Based on the dimensions typical of bourgeois flats, in addition to the classic interior, it is a property with a more modern interior design, renovated in 2020, in which the window sills, interior door renovations, office doors with Kaplottsázes, interior doors with grabs . Heating with gas boiler, radiator heat dissipation. It is a simple and carefully put together apartment interior that is not very percussive, yet unparalleled. The property provides adequate comfort, provides a larger family, companies for everyone. The apartment is fully furnished, mechanized, rock-cut for rent at least 1 year for individuals and companies. Rent requires 2 months deposit + 1 month prepaid. Rent: HUF / month (tax included) + utilities. To view the property is by prior arrangement only. Inquire: Land Bernadett Original text Nagypolgári stílusú lakás saját kerttel, terasszal kiadó TATA központjában! A nagypolgári stílus egyfajta életérzés, a szolid, örök elegancia, az állandóság megtestesítője. A nagy belmagasság, nagy ablakok, tágas, egybenyitható terek alapfeltételei a stílusjegyek érvényesülésének. A nagy belmagasság eleganciája a belvárosi lakások mintapéldája! Ezt élvezheti Ön is, ha ideiglenes otthonának választja ezt a házrészt, mely Tata full központjában, az oly híres Angolpark közvetlen szomszédságában, valamint a Cseke-tó és az Öreg tó közelségében található. A 100 m2-es házrész egy 4 lakásos műemlék jellegű társasház közös udvarán belül van, kb.200 m2 saját kertrész és 25 m2 terasszal kialakítva. A lakásban 3 szoba, hatalmas étkező,társalgó,ami plusz egy szobának is használható, konyha, fürdőszoba, külön wc és kamra lettek kialakítva. Az egyik szoba közvetlen terasz és kertkapcsolatos, ezzel is fokozva a kényelmet és a luxust. A terek szellősek, jól használhatóak. A nagypolgári lakásokra jellemző méretek ellenére a klasszikus enteriőr mellett ez egy modernebb belső kialakítású ingatlan, 2020-as felújítottsággal, melyben az ablakok, beltéri ajtók renoválása mellett teljesen új burkolatokat,bútorokat kapott az összes helység. Fűtése gázkazánnal kialakított, radiátoros hőleadással. Egyszerű és gondosan összerakott lakásbelső ez, mely nem nagyon ütős, mégis páratlan. Az ingatlan megfelelő kényelmet, nyújt nagyobb családnak, cégeknek egyaránt. A lakás teljes bútorzattal, gépesítve, felszerelten kiadó min.1 évre magánszemélyek és cégek számára. Bérléshez 2 havi kaució szükséges+1 hónap előre megfizetve. Bérleti díja: br. .-Ft/hó+rezsi. Az ingatlan megtekintése csak előzetes egyeztetés során lehetséges. Érdeklődni: Telek Bernadett Bourgeois style apartment with private garden and terrace for rent in the center of TATA! The bourgeois style is the epitome of a sense of life, of solid, eternal elegance, of permanence. High ceilings, large windows, spacious, openable spaces are the basic conditions for style. The elegance of high ceilings is a prime example of downtown apartments! You can also enjoy this if you choose this house location as your temporary home, which is in the entire center of Tata, in the immediate vicinity of the so-famous English Park, and close to Lake Cseke and Lake Tallego. The 100 m2 part of the house is located in the common yard of a 4-apartment listed building, with approx. 200 m2 of private garden and 25 m2 of terrace. The apartment has 3 rooms, a huge dining room, lounge,which would be a plus room too ,kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet and pantry. One of the rooms has a direct terrace and access to the garden, thus enhancing comfort and luxury. The spaces are airy and usable. Based on the dimensions typical of bourgeois flats, in addition to the classic interior, it is a property with a more modern interior design, renovated in 2020, in which the window sills, interior door renovations, office doors with Kaplottsázes, interior doors with grabs. Heating with gas boiler, radiator heat dissipation. It is a simple and carefully put together apartment interior that is not very percussive, yet unparalleled. The property provides adequate comfort, provides a larger family, companies for everyone. The apartment is fully furnished, mechanized, rock-cut for rent at least 1 year for individuals and companies. Rent requires 2 months deposit + 1 month prepaid. Rent: HUF / month(included tax) + utilities. To view the property is by prior arrangement only. Inquire: Telek Bernadett

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Details about this property

Property type





100 m²


400,000 Ft

Rental period


Available from


Pets allowed






Price per m²

4000 Ft

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