10 Eredmények
Bright single bedroom in central Budapest, close to Városliget park
495 € / hónap
1078 Budapest, Marek József utca 38., Hungary
5 szoba
Welcoming double bedroom near the Budapest-Keleti train station
Kínai Gyors Büfé, 1071 Budapest, Dembinszky utca 13., Hungary
Bright double bedroom in District VII
Beautiful double bedroom near the Budapest-Keleti train station
Inviting double bedroom in District VII
Welcoming single bedroom close to the Városliget Park
Rose House - Huge five bedroom in central Budapest
3547 € / hónap
1077 Budapest, Rózsa utca 29., Hungary
Cozy single bedroom in shared flat in the District VII area
Nice single bedroom in well-connected District VII area
Neat and cosy single bedroom in District VII