1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút ., Hungary
rentola.hu jóváhagyta
Utolsó aktív: 19 nappal ezelőtt
We offer one of Budapest’s, if not the most luxurious apartment for rent. This grand place is located on the first floor of a fully renovated classical building. The home’s renovation quality goes far beyond the real estate market’s standard. Entering the apartment, we arrive in a spacious area, suitable to serve a greater reception. From here, we may head over to the impressive drawing room that may amaze us by its more than 60 sqm size, and style. It is equally suitable for outstanding gatherings or family conversations. The Cigar room ensures the opportunity for separation, which is enlighted by the 20’s, 30’s art deco features; the room’s character has been advanced by a piano for the sake of music admirers. Also contains 3- completely separate bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, fitted and equipped kitchen, and a balcony opening front he drawing room, with the view over the garden. The Palotanegyed (Palace District) is one of the most popular investment areas of the capital, due to its classic-style, unique buildings and monuments. The Hungarian National Museum with the famous Museum Garden and the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library are also here – the latter is visited by a lot of foreign students day by day. Several universities are also located here, like the Semmelweis University, the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the Faculty of Arts of the Eötvös Loránd University, the University of Theatre and Film Arts and the Budapest University of Jewish Studies. Thanks to the Corvin Plaza at Üllői út and the Corvin Shopping Mall at Rákóczi út the district provides great shopping opportunities.
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Részletek erről az ingatlanról
Az összes lakások megtekintése Budapest-benAz ingatlan típusa
200 m²
3600 €
Bérlési idő
elérhető ekkortól
Amint lehetséges
Háziállatok engedélyezve
Ár m²-onként
18 €
Térkép betöltése
Kapcsolódó hirdetés a következőben: Budapest
Népszerű keresések Magyarország-ban