1071 Budapest, Damjanich utca ., Hungary
rentola.hu jóváhagyta
Utolsó aktív: 4 nappal ezelőtt
Bicycle storage, Design furniture, IKEA furniture, Pantry, Separate toilet, Dishwasher, Shower, Security door, Shutters, Mosquito net, Plastic window, En-suite bathroom Renovated stairwell, Playground, Multi-storey car park nearby, With stairwell Air conditioner Dear apartment seekers, in the VII. district has become available for rent. small cozy apartment of 43 m2 in Damjanich Street. completely renovated (new heating, new shutters, new covers), very comfortable ground floor, fully mechanized (washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, etc.), equipped with air conditioning, elegantly furnished, leaving room for your interior design wishes, so it can be further homed according to your needs, is right next to the Városliget/City Park, the condominium is orderly, calm, windows facing a closed inner courtyard, very quiet environment, outstanding infrastructure (Spar, DM, CBA, convenience stores), transport meets all needs (metro, bus, Keleti .), educational institutions, sports opportunities, proximity to the city center, for rent for one or a maximum of 2 people for a long term, with a rental agreement, you can move in immediately with the first month's rent, plus a 2-month deposit, rent HUF + overhead exp. Inquire in a private message. Andrássy Avenue, City Park (Hu: Városliget)
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Részletek erről az ingatlanról
Az összes lakások megtekintése Budapest-benAz ingatlan típusa
43 m²
196 000 Ft
Bérlési idő
elérhető ekkortól
Amint lehetséges
Háziállatok engedélyezve
Ár m²-onként
4558 Ft
Térkép betöltése
Kapcsolódó hirdetés a következőben: Budapest
Népszerű keresések Magyarország-ban