1122 Budapest, Bíró utca 10., Hungary
rentola.hu jóváhagyta
Utolsó aktív: 19 nappal ezelőtt
A 56 m2, bright apartment with a terrace is for rent in Kissvábhegyen, close to Városmajor Street, in a pleasant, quiet, green environment. Széll Kálmán tér, Déli Pályaudvar and János Kórház are within a 10-minute walking distance, with excellent access to public transport. Yard parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis, but the area is subject to a fee. The apartment has been completely renovated and furnished. Heating: partially electric floor and gas convector. The apartment includes a dishwasher, refrigerator, oven, microwave and washing machine, as well as an electric boiler. It has a security entrance door and an alarm. The apartment is air-conditioned. It includes: a living room, a separable bedroom with a built-in wardrobe, a study, a toilet separate from the bathroom and a quiet terrace overlooking the 12 m2 yard. Low utilities approx. HUF /month, separate water meter. You can move in immediately with a three-month deposit, for rent for at least one year. We would like to include the apartment rental agreement in a notary document. Prohibitions: pets, smoking, rent for max. 2 people, no small children, no registration at the address.
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Részletek erről az ingatlanról
Az összes lakások megtekintése Budapest-benAz ingatlan típusa
56 m²
310 000 Ft
Bérlési idő
elérhető ekkortól
Háziállatok engedélyezve
Ár m²-onként
5536 Ft
Térkép betöltése
Kapcsolódó hirdetés a következőben: Budapest
Népszerű keresések Magyarország-ban