1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 58/a., Hungary
rentola.hu jóváhagyta
Utolsó aktív: körülbelül 21 órával ezelőtt
This apartment is one of the best apartments. It is a four-bedrooms apartment, a living room and three full bathrooms. In Budapest a rarity. What to say We tried to restructure it taking into account the history of the apartment and the neighborhood where it is located. Let's talk about Terezvaros, one of the city's historic districts, close to the Andrassy Boulevard. When you leave the apartment, in the morning, quickly reach the Andrassy avenue in 3 minutes walking, you are between the Danube and the Heroes Square and Szechenyi Thermal Baths or if you are already in Budapest for a few days, take the subway to reach your places of interest. Often in this street there are internationals movies, look around you, you might meet some Hollywood stars. Rental period for this listing is between 3 - 24 months
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Részletek erről az ingatlanról
Az összes lakások megtekintése Budapest-benAz ingatlan típusa
0 m²
1780 €
Bérlési idő
elérhető ekkortól
Háziállatok engedélyezve
Ár m²-onként
Infinity €
Térkép betöltése
Kapcsolódó hirdetés a következőben: Budapest
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