Istanbul Kebab, 1072 Budapest, Akácfa utca 5., Hungary
1000€ jóváhagyta
Utolsó aktív: 19 nappal ezelőtt
This apartment is large, spacious, airy and bright. Ideal for small and large groups, located in the city's entertainment district, just steps away from the famous New York Café, which the poster describes as the most beautiful coffee in the world. It consists of 2 bedrooms and a living room, for a total of 10 beds, so in this sense it can also be used by groups of young people looking for the best value for money in the city. In the morning when you go to the New York cafe, a visit is a must, then start your tour of the city, you are close to everything the Synagogue, Astoria, the Danube. In the evening, have fun walking along the streets of the jewish district, the true center of town nightlife. Rental period for this listing is between 3 - 24 months
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Részletek erről az ingatlanról
Az összes lakások megtekintése Budapest-benAz ingatlan típusa
0 m²
1000 €
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Infinity €
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Kapcsolódó hirdetés a következőben: Budapest
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