1085 Budapest, Somogyi Béla utca 7., Hungary
rentola.hu jóváhagyta
Utolsó aktív: körülbelül 17 órával ezelőtt
Cozy smart home in the heart of Budapest. Just renovated. Located 50 meters from Balaha Lujza square where all public transports are available. The bedroom is separated and located at the gallery. Equipped with everything needed for a long stay (air-condition, washing machine, wifi, smart projector TV, smart home control with Amazon Alexa). Ideal for students or working expatriots. Smart home introduction 2023 there are some more details the flat here: Smart home - short introduction: The bathroom light is managed by MOTION SENSOR. The flat is manged by Amazon ALEXA Opening lamp say (loudly and clearly): Alexa, turn on LAMP or KITCHEN! The names of leds upside are: CEILING and ROOF, they work similarly. Aircondition can be managed as: Alexa, turn on AC P! Or Alexa, turn off AC P! (or by its remote find near the door together with others.) TV is by VODAFONE on the PROJECTOR with HIFI system INCLUDED. Easiest way to start asking Alexa: “Alexa, START SHOW!” (All the 3 is turning on) To finish it please say: “Alexa, FINISH SHOW!” The projector is an android one including AirPlay Netflix or YouTube as well. Plelase do not make noise out of the flat after 10 pm!!! Alexa, can tell you about wheather forcast, jokes, etc if you ask from her. Comminucating with Alexa first say loudly Alexa, the you will hear a typical sound & and then continue your request. I hope you will enjoy it!!! THE RENTAL PRICE MIGHT BE DISCOUNTED DURING BOOKING PROCESS!!!
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Részletek erről az ingatlanról
Az összes lakások megtekintése Budapest-benAz ingatlan típusa
41 m²
953 €
Bérlési idő
elérhető ekkortól
Amint lehetséges
Háziállatok engedélyezve
Ár m²-onként
23 €
Térkép betöltése
Kapcsolódó hirdetés a következőben: Budapest
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